The Seasoning of Timber: Natural and Artificial Methods for Enhanced Wood Quality

All About Seasoning of Timber

What Is Seasoning of Timber?

What Is Seasoning of Timber?

The wood spice process is the process by which the moisture in the wood is reduced to the required level. By reducing the moisture content, strength, elasticity, and durability properties are developed. A well-seasoned wood contains 15% moisture content.

It is a process by which the amount of moisture in a freshly cut tree is reduced to a suitable level. Doing this increases the durability of the wood. The different methods of spice used can be classified into:

Type of Seasoning of Timber

Type of Seasoning of Timber

  1. Natural seasoning.
  2. Artificial seasoning.

1. Natural Seasoning:

Natural Seasoning

It can be air seasoning or water seasoning.

1.1. Air Seasoning

Air seasoning is done in the shed with a platform. As shown in below fig, wooden piles are stacked on platforms approximately 300 mm high.

Natural seasoning

Care is taken to see that there is proper air circulation around each wooden hair. Over a period, the moisture content decreases in a natural process. A well-seasoned wood contains only 15% moisture. It is slow but has a good seasoning process.

Water is sprayed on the banks of rivers. The thick end of the wood is placed, pointing upwards. After a period of 2 to 4 weeks, the wood is taken out.

During this period, the sap contained in the wood is largely washed away. The wood is then stalked in a shed with free air circulation.

1.2. Water Seasoning of Timber

Water seasoning is the process in which timber is immersed in water flow which helps to remove the sap present in the timber. It will take 2 to 4 weeks of time and after that, the timber is allowed to dry. Well-seasoning timber is ready to use.

Water Sensiong (1)

2. Artificial Seasoning:

Artificial Seasoning

In this method, the wood is kept in a chamber with regulated heat, Controlled humidity and proper air circulation. Seasoning can only be completed in 4 to 5 days.

There Are Different Ways of Seasoning:

  1. Boiling Seasoning:
  2. Kiln Masala Seasoning:
  3. Chemical Seasoning:
  4. Electrical Seasoning:

2.1. Boiling Seasoning:

Boiling Seasoning:

In this method, the wood is immersed in water, and then the water is boiled for 3 to 4 hours. It is then slowly dried. Hot steam can be circulated on wood instead of boiling water. process of the spice is sharp but expensive.

2.2. Kiln Masala Seasoning:


The kiln is an airtight chamber. The seamed timber is placed inside it. Again fully saturated air with a temperature of 35 ° C to 38 ° C is forced into the kiln. Heat slowly

The kiln used may be stationary or progressive. Carts moving from one end of the wood kiln to the other end in the progressive kiln are gradually eliminated.

Hot air is supplied from the discharging end so that the temperature rise is gradual from the charging end to the discharging end. This method is extensively used to make spices.

2.3. Chemical Seasoning:

In this method, the wood is immersed in a suitable salt solution. The wood is then dried in the kiln. Initial treatment by chemical seasoning ensures uniform spicing of the outer and inner parts of the wood.

2.4. Electrical Seasoning:

In this method, a high-frequency alternating current is passed through the wood. The resistance to electric current is low when the moisture content in the wood is high.

Reduced moisture content reduces resistance. A measure of resistance may be used to prevent spice at the appropriate level. However, it is expensive to process. This technique has not been attempted in some plywood industries but on large scale wood spices.

Reason for Seasoning of Timber:

Reason for Seasoning of Timber

Wood seasoning is applied to meet some specific requirements. There is a reason for wood seasonings to follow.

  1. To change and improve the qualities of wood.
  2. To make a correct percentage of wood shrinkage.
  3. To ensure the use of forests.
  4. To reduce the adverse behavior of wood.

Improved Ability by Seasoning of Timber:

Improved Ability by Seasoning of Timber

By seasoning, some commonly known properties are improved which are outlined below:

  1. Strength
  2. Hardness
  3. Durability
  4. Weight
  5. Painting and finishing
  6. Gluing
  7. Resistance to insect attack
  8. Electrical Resistance
  9. Heat content
  10. Precautions

Benefit Seasoning of Timber

Benefit Seasoning of Timber

  1. Good quality of seasoned wood.
  2. A large amount is convenient in this process.
  3. Well experienced wood construction.
  4. It takes less time. Generally, 3-4 hours is quite good.
  5. Develops strength and elasticity.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Timber Seasoning:

What is timber seasoning, and why is it necessary?

Timber seasoning is the process of reducing the moisture content in freshly cut wood to enhance its properties such as strength, durability, and elasticity. It is necessary to improve the quality and usability of wood in various applications.

What are the different methods of timber seasoning?

There are two main methods: natural seasoning, which includes air and water seasoning, and artificial seasoning, which involves controlled environments like kilns and chemical treatments.

How does air seasoning work?

Air seasoning involves stacking wooden piles in a shed with proper air circulation. Over time, moisture content decreases naturally, resulting in well-seasoned wood ready for use.

Can you explain water seasoning?

Water seasoning entails immersing timber in flowing water to remove sap, followed by drying. It typically takes 2 to 4 weeks and results in timber with reduced moisture content.

What is artificial seasoning, and how does it differ from natural seasoning?

Artificial seasoning involves controlled environments like chambers with regulated heat, humidity, and air circulation. This method is faster, usually completed in 4 to 5 days, compared to natural seasoning.

What are the different techniques used in artificial seasoning?

Techniques include boiling seasoning, kiln seasoning, chemical seasoning, and electrical seasoning, each offering unique advantages and processes to reduce moisture content effectively.

What are the benefits of timber seasoning?

Timber seasoning improves wood quality by enhancing properties such as strength, hardness, durability, and resistance to insect attacks. It also reduces wood shrinkage and ensures better finishing and usability in construction and other applications.

Are there any precautions to consider during timber seasoning?

Yes, precautions include proper handling of wood to prevent damage, maintaining controlled environments for artificial seasoning, and ensuring safety measures, especially in methods like boiling seasoning and electrical seasoning.

How long does timber seasoning typically take?

The duration varies depending on the method used. Natural seasoning can take several weeks to months, while artificial seasoning can be completed in a matter of days.

What are the key improvements achieved through timber seasoning?

Timber seasoning improves wood properties such as strength, hardness, durability, weight, painting and finishing capabilities, gluing, resistance to insect attacks, electrical resistance, and heat content.

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