Rate Analysis of Brick Masonry: Methods, Calculations, and Important Considerations

Rate Analysis of Brick Masonry

Introduction of Rate Analysis of Brick Masonry

Rate analysis of brick masonry used of reference book  IS Code 1200 part 3(IS Code 1200 part 3 used for measurement), IS Code 2212, and CPWD Part 1.

All calculations of brick masonry for rate analysis. This calculation calculates of brick and mortar (mortar = Cement + Sand past this call mortar) for materials.

Mortar is used a sum different proportions 1:2, 1:4, 1:6, 1:8, etc.(1 cement: 2 Sand). This quantity estimation of bricks is required for the rate analysis.

Important Point in Rate Analysis of Brick Masonry

Important Point in Rate Analysis of Brick Masonry

Measurement of Brick Masonry

Measurement of Brick Masonry

In booking dimensions, the order will be consistent and generally at the sequence of length, breadth or width and height or depth or thickness.

Brickwork shall be measured in cubic meters unless otherwise specified. Any extra work over the specified dimensions will be ignored.

Dimensions will be measured correct to the nearest 0.01 m, i.e., 1 cm. Areas will be calculated to the nearest 0.01 sq meters, and the cubic contents shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 cubic meters

Brickwork will be measured separately in the following stages:

  1. From foundation to floor one level (Plinth level)
  2. Plinth (floor one) level to floor two-level
  3. Between both specified floor levels above floor two-level

Dednctioan of Brick Masonry

Dednctioan of Brick Masonry

Where a minimum area is defined for deduction of an opening, void, or both, such area shall refer only to opening or void within the space measured.

Where a minimum area is defined for deduction of an opening, void, or both, such areas shall refer only to opening or void within the space measured.

Ends of dissimilar materials (that is, joists, lintels, beams, rafters, posts, girders, purlins, corbels, trusses, steps, etc.); up to 0.1 m2  in section;

Opening up to 0.1 m2  in area

Wallplates, bed plates and bearing of slabs, chajjas and the like, where thickness does not exceed 10 cm and the bearing does not extend over the full thickness of the wall;

Cement concrete blocks as for holdfasts and holding down bolts;

Iron fixtures, such as wall ties, pipes up to 300 mm diameter and holdfasts for doors and windows; and

Chases of section not exceeding 50 c.m. in girth I am bearing a portion of the drip course, bearing of molding and cornice.

Dimensions of Brick Masonry

Dimensions of Brick Masonry

The brick can be modular or non-modular. Sizes for two types of bricks/tiles shall be as per the below table.

While the use of modular bricks/tiles is recommended, non-modular (FPS) bricks/tiles may also be used where so specified.

Non-modular bricks/tiles of sizes other than these sizes mentioned below table may also be used where specified.

[table id=28 /]

Dimensions of Brick Masonry

Rate Analysis of Brick Masonry

Example for Rate Analysis of Brick Masonry

Sr No. Description Qty Unit Rate Cost
Brickwork with best available local bricks in foundation and plinth in cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 fine sand)
Cost for 10.00 Cu.m.
A Labour Charges
1 Mate 4.00 Day 350.00 1400.00
2 Mason 4.00 Day 700.00 2800.00
3 Helper 8.00 Day 500.00 4000.00
4 Coolie 2.00 Day 350.00 700.00
B Material
Bricks (Size of brick = 190 mm x 90 mm x 90 mm) 5000.00 Day 5.00 25000.00
Westage of brick 5% Extra 5% 1250.00
Cement 22.00 Bag 320.00 7040.00
Westage of cement 2% Extra 2% 140.80
Sand 2.30 Cu.m. 1362 3132.60
Westage of sand 2% Extra 7% 219.28
C Scaffolding 1% Extra 1% 365.63
D Transportation Cost 1% 1% 365.63
E Other Charges 2 % Extra 2% 731.27
F Add for Water Charge @ 1% on Items Marked 1% 365.63
G Add for Contractor’s Profit @15% on Items Marked 15% 5484.51
Cost of 10.00 Cu.m. 52995.36
Cost of Cu.m. 5299.54
Round off Cu.m. 5300.00

Calculation of Brick for Rate Analysis of Brick Masonry

Calculation of Brick for Rate Analysis of Brick Masonry

Size of actual brick dimensions of 190 mm x 90 mm x 90 mm

The volume of 1 brick with mortar = 200 x 100 x 100 ( 10 mm mortar thickness on all sides)

= 0.2 m  x 0.1 m x 0.1 m

The volume of a brick with mortar = 0.002  Cum (m3)

Therefore, Number of bricks required for 1 Cum (m3) = 1/0.002 = 500 Nos.

Requirement of brick 10 cu.m. = 500 nos (1 cu.m = 500 nos. of brick) x 10 cu.m

So, 10 cu.m. brick work requirement of brick = 5000 nos. of brick requirement

Cement and Sand Calculation

Calculation of Cement

The volume of bricks without mortar

Volume of 1 brick without mortar = 190 mm x  90 mm x 90 mm

= 0.19 m x 0.09 m x 0.09 m

The volume of 1 brick without mortar  =  0.001539 Cu.m. (m3)

The volume of 500 bricks without mortar = 500 nos.  X 0.001539 Cu.m. (m3)

The volume of bricks without mortar for 1 cum = 0.7695 Cu.m.  (m3)

So, The required amount of cement mortar = 1 Cum – Volume of bricks without mortar

Cement Mortar = 1 Cu.m. (m3) – 0.7695 Cu.m. (m3)

Required amount of cement mortar Required amount of cement mortar = 0.2305 Cu.m.(m3) (Wet Condition) = 0.2305 Cu.m. (m3)

Convert Dry volume of a mortar = 0.2305 Cu.m. x 1.33 = 0.306565 Cu.m.

Cement mortar ratio is 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand)

The required amount of Cement quantity at brickwork =   0.306565 Cu.m. x (1/(1+3))

  1. = 0.306 x 0.25
  2. = 0.07664125 cu.m. cement requirement
  3. Cement in k.g. = volume x density cement
  4. Cement in k.g. = 0.07664125 cu.m. x 1440 (1440 kg/m Density of cement for 50 k.g)
    1. = 0.07664125 x 1440 = 110. 363 kg of cement of bag requied ment of cement in k.g.
    2. = 110.363 / 50 (one cemnent bag weight 50 k.g. only) = 2.20 bag
  5. So, 10 cu.m. brick work requirement of cement = 2.20 bag x 10 cu.m. = 22 bag

Calculation of Sand

Required amount of Sand = 0.306565 x 3/(1+3)

=0.2299 Cu.m. requierd of sand for 1 Cu.m.


So, 10 cu.m. brickwork requirement of sand = 0.2299 Cu.m x 10 cu.m. = 2.299 cu.m.

Calculation of Brick Masonry for Labour

Calculation of Brick Masonry for Labour

As per calculation of rate analysis in labor consumption per Cu.m. requirement as per our experience or CPWD book, this book public by Central Public Works Department, Government of India for easy calculation of the rate analysis, etc.

As CPWD Mate per cu.m. 0.4 of day Mate & Mason, Halper per cu.m. 0.8 of day, Coolie for water curing per cu.m. 0.4 of day

Waste in Brick Masonry

Waste in Brick Masonry

All measurements of cuttings shall unless otherwise stated, be deemed to include consequent waste. Like brick masonry, 5%, Cement 2%, and Sand 7% wastage as per IS code allowance

Extra Work Calculation in Rate Analysis of Brick Masonry

Extra Work Calculation in Rate Analysis of Brick Masonry

Extra Changes in rate analysis as per below

Scaffolding 1% Extra

Transportation Cost 1%

Other Charges 2 % Extra (Electrical, and site extra expense)

Add for Water Charge @ 1% on Items Marked

Add for Contractor’s Profit @15% on Items Marked

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Rate Analysis of Brick Masonry:

What is rate analysis of brick masonry and why is it important?

Rate analysis of brick masonry is a systematic process of estimating the costs involved in constructing brickwork, including materials, labor, and other expenses. It’s crucial for budgeting, tendering, and ensuring cost-effectiveness in construction projects.

Which codes and standards are used for reference in rate analysis of brick masonry?

Commonly used references include IS Code 1200 part 3, IS Code 2212, and CPWD Part 1, among others. These codes provide guidelines for measurement, material specifications, and quality standards.

How is brickwork measured in rate analysis?

Brickwork is typically measured in cubic meters, adhering to specific dimensions and accuracy standards outlined in relevant codes. Measurements are taken from foundation to different floor levels, accounting for any deductions due to openings or voids.

What are the key components included in rate analysis of brick masonry?

Rate analysis includes the costs of labor (mate, mason, helper, coolie), materials (bricks, cement, sand), scaffolding, transportation, and other charges like water and contractor’s profit.

How are the quantities of bricks, cement, and sand calculated for rate analysis?

Quantities are calculated based on brick dimensions, mortar thickness, and specified ratios (such as 1:3 for cement mortar). Formulas are used to determine the volume of materials needed per cubic meter of brickwork.

What allowances are made for wastage and extra work in rate analysis?

Wastage allowances are typically made for brick masonry, cement, and sand, as per IS code recommendations. Additionally, extra charges are included for items like scaffolding, transportation, and contractor’s profit.

Can non-modular bricks be used in rate analysis of brick masonry?

While modular bricks are recommended, non-modular (FPS) bricks can also be used if specified. The dimensions and quantities would need to be adjusted accordingly.

How can rate analysis help in optimizing construction costs?

Rate analysis provides a detailed breakdown of costs, allowing for better budgeting, cost comparison between different materials and methods, and identification of areas for cost-saving measures.

What are some common errors to avoid in rate analysis of brick masonry?

Errors can arise from inaccurate measurements, incorrect material specifications, or failure to account for all relevant expenses. It’s important to follow standard procedures and double-check calculations for accuracy.

Where can I find further resources or assistance for rate analysis of brick masonry?

Additional resources include construction textbooks, online calculators, and consulting with experienced professionals in the field of civil engineering and construction management.

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