Key Building Construction Levels: Ground Level, Plinth Level, Sill Level, and Lintel Level

Key Building Construction Levels: Ground Level, Plinth Level, Sill Level, and Lintel Level

Types of Level in Building Construction

  1. Ground Leval / Floor Level
  2. Natural Ground Level
  3. Floor Finishing LevelĀ 
  4. Existing Ground LevelĀ 
  5. Plinth Level
  6. Sill Level
  7. Lintel Level
  8. Structural Floor Level (SFL)
  9. Structural Slab Level (SSL)

Ground Level


Ground Lavel

G.L. full name is Ground Level. F.L.Ā full name is Floor Level. The term ā€˜Ground Floorā€™ or ā€˜Ground Levelā€™ is used to refer to this level of a building that is at street/ground level. The term ā€˜storyā€™ tends to refer to all levels of a building above the Ground Level / Floor Level. It can also refer to this level of ground that hasn’t be built on.

This level of the ground before any excavation or filling has been carried out is referred to as the ā€˜Natural Ground Level,ā€™ whereas ā€˜Finished Ground Levelā€™ is when it has been ā€˜Finishedā€™ with paving stones, asphalt, landscaped grass, and so on.

Natural Ground Level

N.G.L. full name is Natural Ground Level. The natural ground level is termed as the level of the ground. The height of Natural ground level (NGL) is generally measured with the Mean-sea level. A natural ground level is what ā€œmother earthā€ has provided us, and an existing ground level may be either cut or filled and, therefore, a different elevation than the original natural ground level.

Plinth Level

Floor Finishing Level

F.F.L. full name is Floor Finishing Level.Ā The ground level inside the building is knowns Floor Finish level.Ā This level is at the height of a minimum 150mm ā€“ 450mm from the Natural ground level (N.G.L).

The reason for raising building height is to restrict the entry of water during storms and rainfall.Ā The height may go up to meters if the building located in slope and heavy rainfall areas.Ā Natural assume of F.F.L near about 100.oo m R.L.

Existing Ground Level

E.G.L. full name of Existing Ground Level.Ā After earth filling of above natural ground level that above the level surface, this surface area called the existing ground level.Ā E.G.L. normally after filling soil compaction.

Plinth Level

The plinth is the part of the superstructure between the top of the tie beam at the finished ground level (the top level of the soil surrounding the structure that has been prepared and leveled before construction) and theĀ floor level of the building( the ground floor level inside the building).

The plinth height is provided essentially to protect the superstructure from dampness, which may seep in due to direct contact from the ground. The top plinth level is provided with the damp proof course, which is additional protection against dampness. This is the portion of structure between the surface of the surrounding ground and surface of the floor, immediately above the ground.

As per Byelaws, the plinth should not be less than 45cm. The basic requirements of plinth area

  1. To transmit this load of the superstructure to the foundation
  2. To act as a retaining wall to keep the filling portion below the raised floor or the building
  3. To protect the building from damp or moisture penetration into it
  4. It enhances the architectural appearance of the building

Sill level

Sill Level

AĀ levelĀ between the building’s window base and floorĀ levelĀ above groundĀ levelĀ is known as theĀ sill level. The concrete bed or mortar bed is placed at the window baseĀ level. Granite is also used at the baseĀ levelĀ of the window.Ā Sill levelĀ height varies from room to room and depends on the room type.

The window finishes at the top at the lintel level. A window sill may be equal to or greater than the width of the brickwork beneath it. This level between the base portion of the window and portion of the floor above ground level (upwards) is called the Sill level.

A mortar bed or concrete bed is laid at the base of the window. The height of the sill level depends upon the type of room for bedroom & bathroom height.

Lintel Level

The lintel level is the height or vertical measurement from the bottom edge to the top horizontal component of a window or door, the lintel is provided above the doors and windows to transfer the upward wall load to the surrounding wall.

The level between the top portion of the window and the top slab is called the Lintel level.Ā The lintel is generally made up of Reinforced concrete or cement mortar.

The actual frame of the door or window is not strong enough to support the weight of the wall above the strong enough to support the weight of the wall above the openings, and a separate structural element has, therefore, to be introduced. This is known as a lintel. This lintel area level also is known as lintel level.

Difference Between Plinth Level, Sill Level, and Lintel Level.

Sr.No. Plinth Level Sill Level Lintel Level
1 The plinth is the part of the superstructure between the top of the tie beam at the finished ground level Sill level is the part of window . Window sill are provided between the bottom of window frame and wall below Lintel beam the actual frame of door or window is not strong enough to support the weight of the wall above the opening and separate structural element has, therefore to be introduced. this known as lintel and similar to a beam
2 This level of below the floor finishing . This level constructed beam that beam called Tie beam. This level between the base portion of the window and portion of the floor above ground level (upwards) is called the Sill level. A mortar bed or concrete bed is laid at the base of the window. The level between the top portion of the window and the top slab is called the Lintel level.
3 The plinth is generally made up of Reinforced concrete or cement mortar. The sill is generally made up of Reinforced concrete or cement mortar. The lintel is generally made up of Reinforced concrete or cement mortar.
4 The plinth is provided to act as a barrier against rainwater and stormwater to support a dead load of masonry above it. Sill is provided to base for the window. A lintel is provided to carry the load of masonry above the opening.
5 Plinth height between 300 to 450 mm above the ground level is taken. Sill beam level from floor finishing level for 1100 mm and 600-650 mm for the drawing-room is adopted. While the height for sill 2130 mm (7ā€²) in residential and 2316 mm (7ā€™6ā€³) in commercial in most of the cases.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the Ground Level in building construction?

Ground Level (G.L.) refers to the level of the building that is at street or ground level. It is the base level from which other building heights and levels are measured. It can also indicate the level of the ground before any construction activities, such as excavation or filling, have taken place.

What is the difference between Natural Ground Level and Existing Ground Level?

Natural Ground Level (N.G.L.) is the original level of the ground as it exists in nature, measured with respect to mean sea level. Existing Ground Level (E.G.L.) refers to the level of the ground after any earth filling or excavation has occurred. E.G.L. is typically higher or lower than N.G.L. due to these construction activities.

What is Floor Finishing Level (F.F.L.) and why is it important?

Floor Finishing Level (F.F.L.) is the level of the floor inside the building after finishing materials such as tiles, carpets, or flooring are installed. It is usually elevated from the Natural Ground Level to prevent water ingress during storms and rainfall. The elevation can vary depending on the buildingā€™s location and potential water issues.

What is Plinth Level and what purpose does it serve?

Plinth Level is the level of the buildingā€™s superstructure situated between the top of the tie beam at the finished ground level and the floor level of the building. It protects the building from dampness by preventing moisture from the ground from seeping into the structure. It also helps in load distribution and enhances the building’s appearance.

What is Sill Level and how does it affect window design?

Sill Level is the height of the window base above ground level. It determines the position of the window sill, which is the horizontal ledge at the base of the window. The sill level impacts the window’s placement and design, including the height of the window opening and the type of finishing used.

What is Lintel Level and its significance?

Lintel Level is the height of the lintel, a horizontal structural element placed above doors and windows. The lintel supports the load from the wall above the opening, distributing it to the sides and preventing the wall from collapsing. Lintels are typically made of reinforced concrete or cement mortar.

How do Plinth Level, Sill Level, and Lintel Level differ from each other?

  1. Plinth Level is the part of the structure between the ground level and the floor level, designed to protect against moisture and support the buildingā€™s load.
  2. Sill Level refers to the height of the base of a window above ground level, important for determining window placement.
  3. Lintel Level is the height of the lintel above doors and windows, which helps support the wall above the opening.

What are the standard heights for Plinth Level, Sill Level, and Lintel Level?

  1. Plinth Level is typically between 300 mm and 450 mm above the ground level.
  2. Sill Level varies by room and design, with common heights around 1100 mm for residential buildings and 600-650 mm for drawing rooms.
  3. Lintel Level generally ranges from 2130 mm (7ā€²) in residential buildings to 2316 mm (7ā€™6ā€³) in commercial buildings.
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