All About Long Wall & Short Wall | Method of Long Wall & Short Wall | Procedure of Long Wall & Short Wall | Estimation of Long Wall & Short Wall Method

All About Long Wall & Short Wall

Long Wall & Short Wall Method

Long Wall & Short Wall Method

In the load-bearing structures, long wall and short wall estimation is applied. Those walls which are along the long wall is considered a long wall, and those walls which are perpendicular to the long wall, are termed as short wall.

In the calculation, we take long wall length as outer to outer, and for the short wall, it will be inner to inner. After multiplying length, breadth, and width, we will calculate the quantity.

Procedure of Long Wall and Short Wall


  1. At first outer to outer long wall distance is measured.
  2. Secondly, we measure the inner-to-inner distance of a short wall.
  3. This total length of long wall and short wall is multiplied by breadth and height.

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Long Wall & Short Wall Method of Estimation

Long Wall & Short Wall Method of Estimation

  • In building estimate, long wall and short wall method is one of the very popular methods of estimation.
  • This method is much more easier and user-friendly.
  • In longwall short wall method which wall is along the X-axis is termed a long wall.
  • Like that, the perpendicular room length is considered a short wall.
  • Multiplying the measured length, breadth, and height, we can calculate the required volume of earth.
  • Longwall short wall estimation formula-
    • Length of long wall = It is parallel to x-axis which is (c/c distance + width of item)
    • Length of short wall = It is parallel to y-axis which is (c/c distance – width of item)

Example of Long Wall & Short Wall Method

Example of Long Wall & Short Wall Method

Let us consider a building plan of 5m x 3.5m with a width of 0.3 m.

Calculation of Long Wall & Short Wall

Long Wall with Outer to Outer Distance = [Room Length + (2 X Thickness of Wall)]

  • Longwall with outer to outer distance = [5 + (2 x 0.3)]
  • Longwall with outer to outer distance = 5.60 m

Short Wall with Inner to Inner Distance = [Room Length]

  • Short wall with inner-to-inner distance = 3.5 m

Total Length of Long Wall = 2 X Outer to Outer Length.

  • Total length of long wall = 2 x [inner to inner length + 2 x (width / 2)]
  • Total length of long wall = 2 x [5 + 2 x (1.2 / 2)]
  • Total length of long wall =12.4 m

Total Length of Short Wall = 2 X [Inner to Inner Length – 2 X (Width / 2)]

  • Total length of short wall = 2 x [3.5 – 2 x (1.2 / 2)]
  • Total length of short wall = 4.6 m

Total Length of Long Wall and Short Wall = Total Length of Long Wall + Total Length of Short Wall

  • Total length of long wall and short wall = (12.4 + 4.6) m
  • Total length of long wall and short wall = 17 m

Total Volume of Earthwork = Total Length X Breadth X Height

  • Assumed breadth of foundation = 1.2 m
  • And height of foundation = 0.7 m
  • Total volume of earthwork = (17 x 1.2 x 0.7) m3

Total Volume of Earthwork = 14.28 m3

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What Is Long Wall and Short Wall?

For measuring the long wall and short wall the external out-to-out length of walls running in the longitudinal direction generally is considered as “long wall” while the in-to-in internal length of walls running in the transverse direction is called as “short wall” or “cross wall”.

How Do You Measure Long Wall and Short Wall?

Long wall-length out to out = centre to centre length + half breadth on one side + half breadth on another side. Short wall length in to in = centre to centre length – half breadth on one side – half breadth on another side.

What Is the Difference Between Long Wall Short Wall and Centerline Method?

When the external walls and internal walls have different thicknesses this method is adopted. In these cases, Longwall short wall method is used for internal walls, and the centre line method is used for the external walls. This method is suitable for different levels of foundation and different thicknesses of walls.

What Is Long Wall Method of Working?

Longwall mining Longwall mining is an underground method of excavating coal from tabular deposits, as well as soft mineral deposits such as potash. Large rectangular blocks of coal are defined during the development stage of the mine and are then extracted in a single continuous operation.

How Do You Calculate Long Wall and Short Wall?

Long Wall and Short Wall Method

  • Length of Long Wall = Center to Center Length of wall + Half Breadth on One Side + Half Breadth on the Other Side. Length of Short Wall = Centre to Centre Length – One breadth.

Which Method Is Known as Long Wall Short Wall Method?

In longwall and short wall method, The wall along the length of the room is considered to be long wall and the wall perpendicular to the length of the room is considered to be short wall.

What Is Long Wall and Short Wall Method in Estimation Explain?

In this method, the wall along the length of room is considered to be long wall while the wall perpendicular to long wall is said to be short wall. To get the length of longwall or shortwall, calculate first the centre line lengths of individual walls.

Long Wall Short Wall Method Formula

Length of Long Wall = Center to Center Length of wall + Half Breadth on One Side + Half Breadth on the Other Side. Length of Short Wall = Centre to Centre Length – One breadth

What Is Long Wall & Short Wall Method?

In this method, the wall along the length of room is considered to be long wall while the wall perpendicular to long wall is said to be short wall. To get the length of longwall or shortwall, calculate first the centre line lengths of individual walls.

What Is the Formula of Long Wall Out to Out?

For finding out the length of long wall, simply add centre length of wall to the two times half breadth on one side of the wall which gives the out-to-out length of long wall.

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