LVL Beam Span Calculator

LVL Beam Span Calculator

Example Calculation

Example Parameters:

  • Span Length (L): 16 feet
  • Live Load: 40 pounds per square foot (psf)
  • Dead Load: 20 psf
  • Beam spacing: 2 feet on center
  • LVL Properties:
    • Modulus of Elasticity (E) = 1,900,000 psi
    • Bending Strength (Fb) = 2,800 psi

Step-by-Step Calculation:


Calculate Total Load per foot of beam:

Total Load=(Live Load+Dead Load)×Beam Spacing

Total Load=(40 psf+20 psf)×2 ft

Total Load=120 pounds per linear foot (plf)

Select a Trial Size for the Beam:

  • Using manufacturer span tables or design software, choose a trial size for the beam. Assume a 1 ¾” x 11 ⅞” LVL beam.

Check Bending Stress:

M = wL2/8

Where M is the maximum moment, w is the load per unit length, and 𝐿L is the span length.

M = 120 plf × (16 ft)2/8

M = 3,840 foot-pounds

Convert to inch-pounds:

M = 3,840×12=46,080inch-pounds

Check Moment of Inertia (I) and Section Modulus (S):

S = bd2/6

For a 1 ¾” x 11 ⅞” LVL beam:

S = 1.75×(11.875)2/6

S = 40.92 in3

Calculate Bending Stress (Fb):

σb = M/s

σb = 46,080/40.92

σb =1,126psi

Compare with allowable Fb of 2,800 psi. Since 1,126 psi < 2,800 psi, the beam is adequate in bending.

Check Deflection:

δ = 5wL4/384EI

Where δ is the deflection, 𝑤w is the load per unit length, 𝐿L is the span length, 𝐸E is the modulus of elasticity, and 𝐼I is the moment of inertia.

I = bd3/12

I = 1.75×(11.875)3/12

I = 243.97in4

δ = (5×120×(16×12)4)/ (384×1,900,000×243.97)

δ = 0.479inches

Compare with deflection limit L/360:

Deflection Limit = 16×12/360 = 0.533 inches

Since 0.479 inches < 0.533 inches, the deflection is within acceptable limits


How to Use LVL Beam Span Calculator

You want to know how much deflection will occur between two beams or in the span of a beam in laminated veneer lumber.

How do you use LVL beam spans? Then this LVL Beam Span Calculator is for you.

This LVL Beam Span Calculator can be used for all types of LVL Beam Spans.

This LVL Beam Span Calculator calculates Maximum Moment (in-lb), Section Modulus (in³), Bending Stress (psi), Moment of Inertia (in⁴), Deflection (inches), Deflection Limit (inches) and Total Load (plf). doing.

Let us know the points of use of this calculator below.

Step 1: Choose the duration of the period

Fill in the data “Span Length” in feet as per your requirement. Then go to another step 2:

Step 2: Live Load

The second step is to fill in the data as per your requirement for the live load of this beam. Fill in live loads occurring on LVL beam spans.

Step 3: Dead Load

After entering the live load data, should we enter the dead load data, how much dead load is required on the horizontal beam, we should enter this blank space. We then proceed to step 4:

Step 4: Beam Spacing

After entering the dead load data, enter the Beam Spacing field which is the distance between the two beams. This LVL is the distance between the beams. Then we go to step 5:

Step 5: Modulus of elasticity

After entering the beam spacing data, enter the modulus of elasticity (E) of the LVL material in pounds per square inch (psi). This value is usually provided by the LVL manufacturer and represents the stiffness of the material. After entering this value, proceed to step 6. We then proceed to step 6:

Step 6: Bending Strength

After entering the Modulus of elasticity data After entering the data, enter the bending strength (Fb) of the LVL material in pounds per square inch (psi). This value is also provided by the LVL manufacturer. After entering the bending strength, we then proceed to step 7:

Step 7: Beam Width

After Entering the Bending Strength Data After entering the data, enter the width of the LVL beam in inches. This is the horizontal dimension of the beam. Which should be easily avabile in the market. We will then proceed to step 8:

Step 8: Beam Depth

After entering the Beam Width data After entering the data, you should fill the Beam Depth in last. This is the vertical dimension of the beam. Once you fill in the depth of the beam, you are ready to calculate. We are at the very last step 9 after this step:

Step 9: Calculate

This step step 9 is the final step. In which you have to click on “Calculate”, through which you will see the result. Which is as follows.
  • Total Load (plf)
  • Maximum Moment (in-lb)
  • Section Modulus (in³)
  • Bending Stress (psi)
  • Moment of Inertia (in⁴)
  • Deflection (inches)
  • Deflection Limit (inches)
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