Building Estimation Quantity Sheet for Excavation Calculation

What Is Excavation

What Is Excavation?

Excavation will be understood as the process of excavating and removing volumes of earth or other materials for the conformation of spaces where foundations, water tanks, concrete, masonry, and sections corresponding to hydraulic or sanitary systems will be housed according to project plans.

There are different types of excavation:

• Common excavation

• Excavation on semi-hard ground

• Excavation in rock

• Excavation with shoveling

•Excavation with depletion and embedding

Excavation IS Code

IS Code 1200: Part – 1: Earthwork

IS Code 1200: Part – 27: Earth Work Done By Mechanical Appliances

Important Point of Excavation as per IS Code 

IS 1200: Part – 1

• Measurement (CL: 2.3)

• Each dimension shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 m.

• Areas shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 m2 and

• Cubical contents shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 m3.

• Work to be Measured Separately (CL: 2.4)

• Work in or under-water,

• Work in or under foul situations,

• Work in snow.

• Excavation in Earthwork Including Rock Cutting (CL: 4.2)

• All excavation shall be measured in successive stages of 1.5 m stating the commencing level. This shall not apply to cases where no lift is involved as in hillside cutting. (CL: 4.2.3)

• Excavation Over Area (CL: 4.7)

• Excavation exceeding 1.5 m in width as well as 10 m2 on a plan, and 300 mm in depth shall be described as excavation over areas and measured in cubic meters.

• Lead (CL: 5.1)

• Distances not exceeding 250 m shall be measured in units of 50 m.

• Distance exceeding 250 m and not exceeding 500 m shall be measured as a separate item.

• Leads beyond 500 m shall be measured in units of 500 m,

• That is, there will be one item for lead exceeding 500 m and not exceeding 1 000 m,

• Another item for lead exceeding 1000 m and not exceeding 1500 m and so on up to 5 km.

• Where the lead exceeds 5 km, it will be measured in units of 1 km, half km and above be reckoned as one and less than 1/2 km.  shall be ignored.

• Lift (CL: 6.1)

• Excavation up to 1.5 m depth below ground level and depositing excavated material on the ground shall be included in the item of earthwork for various kinds of soil.

• The extra lift shall be measured in a unit of 1.5 m or part thereof.  obvious lifts shall only be measured; that is lifts inherent in the lead due to ground slope shall not be measured ( except for lead up to 250 m).

• When the earth has to be carried over a bank/ obstruction and dumped beyond it, the lift shall be the difference in level between the center of gravity of the excavated earth and the top of bank/construction.

IS 1200: Part – 27

• Measurement (CL: 2.3)

• Each dimension shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 m where any dimension is more than 25 m it shall be measured nearest to O.1 m2,

• Areas shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 m2 and

• Cubical contents shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 m3.

• Work to be Measured Separately (CL: 2.4)

• Work in or under-water,

• Work in or under foul situations,

• Work under tides, and

• Work in snow.

• Embankment

• Forming embankments and Ming shall be measured in cubic meters and shall include the formation of the slope.

• When the material is to be deposited in layers this shall be described stating the thickness of such layer.

• The method of consolidation shall be described. be taken in successive stages of 1.5 m starting commencing level.

How to Excavation Calculation in Excel Sheet

Required for Excavation Calculation Excel Sheet

1. Plan, Elevation, Section

2. Footing Detail Drawing 


Plan (Plan Pdf File)


Footing Detail Drawing (Footing Plan PDF File)

No of Footing Same Size = 6 Nos.

Size of Footing = 1400 mm x 1400 mm

Size of P.C.C = (150 + 1400 + 150) x (150 + 1400 + 150) = 1700 mm x 1700 mm

Size of Soling = Same as P.C.C = 1700 mm x 1700 mm

Excavation of Hight as per Drawing from E.G.L (Existing Ground Level) = 3500 mm + 150 mm

Footing Detail

Excavation of Hight as per Drawing from E.G.L (Existing Ground Level) = 3650 mm

Excavation size of area L x B = ( Extra length of 500mm for working space + Length of P.C.C + Extra length of 500mm for working space) x ( Extra length of 500mm for working space + Breadth of P.C.C + Extra length of 500mm for working space)

Excavation size of area L x B = (500 mm +1700 mm + 500 mm) x (500 mm + 1700mm + 500mm)

Excavation size of area L x B = (2700 mm) x (2700 mm)

Excel Sheet for Excavation 

Building Estimation
Sr. No. Item Description  No. Length
Quantity Unit
Footing Excavation
Footing Length 1 1.4 1.4
P.C. C Extra Both Side (150 mm +150 mm) 1 0.3 0.3
Extra Excavation for footing concrete and shuttering (500 mm + 500mm) 1 1 1
Total Length and Breadth 1 2.7 2.7
Excavation Hight from E.G.L
(Existing Ground Level) (3500+150)
1 3.65
No of Footing = 6 Nos.
Total Excavation 159.651 Cu.m.

FAQ: Excavation Calculation Excel Sheet

What is the purpose of an excavation calculation Excel sheet?

An excavation calculation Excel sheet is used to estimate the quantity of earthwork required for various elements like footings, P.C.C. (plain cement concrete), and other construction activities based on project drawings and specifications.

How does the Excel sheet help in estimating excavation quantities?

The Excel sheet uses dimensions from plan and elevation drawings to calculate the length, breadth, and depth of excavation required for each component of the project. It automates the calculation process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

What are the key inputs required for using the excavation calculation Excel sheet?

Key inputs include detailed plan drawings (PDF format), footing details, dimensions of footings, and the height of excavation required from existing ground level (E.G.L.).

Can the Excel sheet handle variations in excavation depths and dimensions?

Yes, the Excel sheet allows for flexibility in inputting different dimensions and depths as per project requirements. It calculates total excavation volume based on these inputs.

How accurate are the calculations performed by the Excel sheet?

The Excel sheet calculates volumes to the nearest cubic meter (or other specified unit) based on precise measurements provided. It follows standard measurement practices as per construction norms.

Is the Excel sheet suitable for all types of construction projects?

Yes, the excavation calculation Excel sheet is designed to be versatile and can be used for various types of construction projects, including residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.

What are the advantages of using an Excel sheet for excavation calculations?

Using an Excel sheet enhances efficiency by automating calculations that would otherwise be time-consuming if done manually. It also reduces errors and provides a clear, organized format for documentation.

How can I ensure the accuracy of inputs when using the Excel sheet?

Double-checking measurements and dimensions from project drawings ensures accurate inputs. It’s also important to verify that all required details, such as depths and dimensions, are correctly entered into the Excel sheet.

Can the Excel sheet be customized to suit specific project requirements?

Yes, the Excel sheet template can be customized by adding or modifying formulas, adjusting units of measurement, or incorporating additional fields as per specific project needs.

Where can I get a template for an excavation calculation Excel sheet?

Templates can be found online, or they can be developed by construction professionals based on their experience and the specific requirements of their projects.

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