Clay Products in Civil Engineering: Types, Uses, and Quality Standards

Introduction of Clay Product

Introduction of Clay Product

There is a wide variety of structural clay products, broadly classified as facing materials, load-bearing materials, paving materials, roofing tile, and chemically resistant materials. Examples of facing materials are face brick, terra-cotta, brick veneer, sculptured brick, glazed brick and tile, and decorative brick.

Here, we are going to discuss certain aspects of clay and clay products used in the civil engineering field. If you are given a list of various engineering materials, are you able to find out (identify) the clay products from them? Can you state the standard requirements of a quality brick with reference to relevant IS? Let’s discuss the above matter within the scope of this lesson.

Types of Clay Product

In routine construction work, we come across many clay products used in Masonry work, roof coverings, sanitary & drainage works, etc. Let us enlist and briefly discuss these clay products used in building construction.

• Bricks

• Tiles

• Roofing Tiles

• Flooring Tiles

• Earthen Ware.

• Sanitary Wares.

• Stone Wares.

• Refractories.

• Porcelain etc.

Now let’us discuss them.



It is an artificial material of construction in the form of clay blocks of uniform size and shape. Clay is mixed with a desirable quantity of water and other ingredients, molded-in required form, dried & then burnt in, a kiln. The clay used for manufacturing bricks should constitute of following ingredients

• Alumina or Clay 20 to 30% by weight.

• Silica or Sand 35 to 50% by weight.

• Silt 20 to 35% by weight.

• Lime, oxide of iron 1 to 2% by weight Magnesia Oxide.

• Manganese.

• Sodium, etc.

Compared to Stones.

Brick is lighter in weight, easily available uniform shapes and size, and cheaper in cost of manufacturing. Bricks are classified according to their engineering properties as under

• 1st Class Brick

• 2nd Class Brick

• 3rd Class Brick

• Over Burnt Bricks 

• More Detail for Click here


Roofing Tiles

Being a clay product, they are used to serve as covering for pitched roof, The various roof tiles available in the market are.

Allahabad Tiles.

Allahabad Tiles

Flemish Tiles.

Flemish Tiles

Mangalore Tiles.


Corrugated or Flat Tiles.

Corrugated or Flat Tiles.

Guna Tiles.


Pot/Pan Tiles.


They are manufactured in various shapes and sizes. Normal the tiles are available in dimensions ranging as under.

Length Width  Thickness
25 to 15 cm 20 to 10 cm 2.5 to 5.0 cm

Flooring Tiles

Tiles used to construct the payment are called flooring tiles. They are available in a rectangular or square shape, but depending upon its application, various sizes and geometrical shapes (in any desirable colors) are adopted. These are flat tiles available in varying thicknesses from 1.5 cm. to 2.5 cm. They are available in the following sizes:

• 15 cm x 15 cm x 1.80 to 2.50 cm.

• 20 cm x 20 cm x 1.80 to 2.50 cm.

• 25 cm x 25 cm x 1.80 to 2.50 cm.

• 30 cm x 30 cm x 1.80 to 2.50 cm.

Earthen Ware:


Earthenware articles are prepared from clay, which is burnt at low temperatures and cooled slowly. It is soft and porous, but after Glazing, it is it becomes impervious to water. It is manufacture by adding required quantity of sand, crushed pottery, etc. to clay,

Sanitary Wares:


Water closest, lavatory & wash-basins. Urinals, sewer & Pipes, Glazed Tiles, etc. are used for sanitation purposes. These items are known as Sanitary Wares. They are manufactured by burning Refractory clay, kaolin, Quartz, Felspar, stone, and crushed pottery at high temperature and cooled slowly.

Stone Wares:


Stoneware articles are more compact and dense than Earthenware. On applying Glazing to Stoneware articles, they become impervious to water and are not affected by acids, etc. They are strong, durable, and resistant to corrosive fluids.



Refractories indicates those substances which are able to resist high temperature.

It normally possesses the following properties.

• It should have good resistance to rapid changes in temperature, having a high melting point.

• Its dimensional stability should not change due to high and rapid changes in temperature.

• It should be strong enough to resist compressive, crushing, and tensile forces in hot or cold conditions.

• Its thermal conductivity should be suitable for the purpose it is used for.

They are used in the manufacture of fire and refractory bricks, crucibles, lining materials for furnaces hollow tiles, silica bricks, magnesia bricks, etc.



Sanitary ware, electric insulators, storage, vessels, reactor, chamber, crucibles, etc. Are but some of the porcelain articles available in the market. Porcelain indicates a fine earthenware, which is white in colour, thin & semi-transparent. It is manufacture by using clay of high purity, possessing a high degree of tensility and plasticity, felspar, quartz & minerals.

Porcelain is hard, brittle, and nonporous. These constituents are finely ground, thoroughly mixed in a liquid state, and then burnt at high temperature. They are low & high voltage porcelain. Low voltage porcelain is prepared by a dry process. It comprises of white clay added to the fixed percentage of melted glass. Crokeries, Switch Block, Insulating Tubes, Lamp Sockets, etc. are examples of Low Voltage Porcelain.

The first firing is done up to 1200° C, after which the particles are coated with appropriate glazing material. The kiln temperature is then raised to 1500° C. By adding alumina or silicate of magnesia, China clay, or Kaolin along with quartz and felspar as filter and flux respectively, High voltage porcelain can be manufactured by a wet process.

These constituents increase the hardness and non-absorption properties to the product. It can resist high temperature to a certain extent. It is used for making articles like an electronic furnace as an electrical insulator for high-intensity electric current- in the manufacture of spark plugs, etc.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) that you can include in your article on clay products in civil engineering:

What Are the Common Types of Clay Products Used in Civil Engineering?

Clay products commonly used include bricks, tiles (roofing and flooring), earthenware, sanitary wares, stone wares, refractories, and porcelain.

What Are the Key Properties That Make Clay Products Suitable for Construction?

Clay products are valued for their durability, thermal insulation properties, resistance to weathering, and versatility in various construction applications.

What Are the Standards for Quality Bricks According to Is (Indian Standards)?

Quality bricks should meet IS 1077 specifications, which include criteria such as dimensions, compressive strength, water absorption, and efflorescence resistance.

How Are Roofing Tiles Classified Based on Their Shapes and Sizes?

Roofing tiles are classified into types such as Allahabad Tiles, Flemish Tiles, Mangalore Tiles, Corrugated or Flat Tiles, Guna Tiles, and Pot/Pan Tiles, each offering different aesthetic and functional advantages.

What Are the Differences Between Earthenware and Stoneware in Terms of Properties and Applications?

Earthenware is porous and softer compared to stoneware, which is denser and more durable. Stoneware is often used for applications requiring higher resistance to water and acids.

What Are Refractories, and What Are Their Main Characteristics?

Refractories are materials that can withstand high temperatures and are used in applications like fire bricks, furnace linings, and crucibles due to their high melting point and resistance to thermal shock.

How Is Porcelain Different from Other Clay Products, and What Are Its Primary Uses?

Porcelain is a fine, white earthenware known for its hardness and non-porosity. It is used in high-voltage insulators, sanitary ware, and electrical components due to its excellent electrical insulation properties.

What Are the Environmental Benefits of Using Clay Products in Construction?

Clay products are environmentally friendly due to their natural composition, recyclability, and energy efficiency during production compared to synthetic alternatives.

What Factors Should Be Considered When Selecting Clay Products for Specific Construction Applications?

Factors include the desired aesthetic appearance, durability requirements, thermal and acoustic insulation properties, and adherence to local building codes and standards.

How Can Clay Products Contribute to Sustainable Building Practices?

Clay products contribute to sustainability through their longevity, low maintenance requirements, energy efficiency, and ability to be recycled or reused in other applications.

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